Analysis on Naya Pakistan Certificate 📉 & RDA After Regime Change of Imran Khan
Background & Facts
I have been an advocate of continuation of Roshan Digital Accounts (RDA) and subsequently the Naya Pakistan Certificates (NPC) products as they have been a game changer and huge convenience to expats while being productive for Pakistan. I dont have an iota of doubt that any upcoming government will change the policy except for the profit rates which are offered in future to be based on the prevalent monetary situation.
In this writeup ✍️, I want to highlight how sentiments can impact even the best of products.
The Number’s Game
The public sentiment specially with expats is being shown in undeniable numbers here and authorities must come forward to beef up the confidence within the community as this will have direct impact on Pakistan’s fiscal health.
I upload content related to personal finance and productivity on my YouTube channel for about one and a half year now. The videos on Naya Pakistan Certificates and Roshan Digital Accounts have been performing really well on the channel ever since they are uploaded. However, recently I noticed that they have stopped ranking even into the top 10 traffic generators on my channel (although the channel is growing well otherwise). When I looked deep into the stats I found the below:
I will talk about the 2 most popular videos here, The first one linked here had a great run and raked 50-60 views per day until recently, which has dipped to 11 views yesterday.

The second one linked here also had a great run until recently and raked 80-100 views per day and now down to less than 20.

If you see the trend, the views are loosing steam in last 1 month or so coinciding with the fall of Imran Khan’s government. Now anyone might say that this might be happening to videos on my channel in isolation, however, I can see this happening with all the videos on the same topic on my channel both for search and recommended traffic.
Now, let me show you one more thing which is available in public domain and can be instantly verified. The google trend shows the reduction of interest overtime in search terms too as can be seen from the charts below. The data for last week is being extrapolated by google, but shows nosedive fall!

The data should present a worrying picture for the incumbent government and heads should roll. However, I would again reiterate to fellow Pakistanis that as a policy, the government would not do anything to shake expat Pakistani’s confidence. RDA along with NPC are a big source of revenue to any government which is a very smart, well thought-after & innovative banking product Pakistan has ever seen.
Although I have been a strong advocate of RDA and NPC, it should be noted that the fixed income instruments are not recommended for long term investments as I have discussed here
About Myself
I post 3 videos on my YouTube channel on the topics of productivity & personal finance specifically for expats & in general for wider Pakistani community. Besides this, I update this website / blog on weekly basis so do visit regularly – To get value out of the content, please consider subscribing both the YouTube channel and the newsletter.
Videos I uploaded in last few days, in case you missed:
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